The World is witnessing to the problems created by during benefitting from, the free-market economy and the developments in this direction each and every day. While these problems make life harder in general, some opportunities also emerge for Micro, Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (MSMEs). The only need for it to happen is to look from a different angle towards what is happening all around the sector, technology, etc. There is the need for creating the demand for the products and services we are providing at the backbone of the free market. Then the question is that how can the demand be created? Let’s analyze this question at the table given below from the traditional and 21st century perspectives.
A counter new opportunity, if not more, has come into existence in the digital world for each traditional marketing and promotion method as it is clearly seen in the table given above. It is stated that “the liberalization” is one of the fundamental slogans of digitalization. We are at the start of a journey from the world of which, strong gets stronger towards a world of proving equal opportunities to the less powerful. Then what does this say to the marketing and sales function of MSMEs? MSMEs which have been vulnerable from the perspective of capital base, branding power, physical sales and distribution network with regard to the bigger competitors are able to reach out the opportunity of being equal in the market. A solid example of liberalization in the digital world is: A farmer producing walnuts may sell her/his products with her/his brand and for a higher price and even more in volume than the “glorious” super market chains through social media. If the example is reflected to the MSMEs which are normally with more capital, human resources, product/service diversity and sales network than the farmer “Nona Leonara”, there are more opportunities towards them. The first need in this regard is to achieve the awareness of this opportunity that became available by the digital era.
If we are precise on the opportunities presented by the digital world to MSMEs then we may glide thorough that window and make some suggestions:
Digital world is most advantageous “wrestling mat” that MSMEs are near to the same circumstances as the larger competitors at the match in the market. That’s why MSMEs should take the competitors to the “wrestling mat” by having an effective digital channel management in marketing.