Since the economy of Kosovo is classified as an emerging economy, no business in the country has the luxury of not growing, particularly the micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSME). Growth comes along with its specific problems but deploying a qualified manager is one of the most important and most difficult problems of any size of business while it is a more adverse problem for smaller companies.
There are two options as the time comes for a new manager during the growth process of a company; Rising up and appoint a manager from the inside of the company or making a transfer from the outside. Since MSMEs do not have enough human sources to promote as a manager because of their lack of (or reluctance) investment on human capital, they tend to hire the needed manager from the outside. And in most cases, this results in “blood incompatibility” problem which practically means that the talents, professional know how and past routine of running the job of the proposed manager would not be coherent to our small business. Because of those problems in real life, it is favored to bring a potential manager up from inside of the business. If a company has invested on human resources prior to the moment of need of the manager, this would save time, energy and money on behalf of the company. Besides that; since the current employee of the company is acquainted with the company and the strains of it, the adaptation of the manager to run the strategies would be straightforward.
It is not an easy job to raise a manager up from the inside of an MSME or any size of business even with the above given superiorities and the benefits. You cannot expect a successful employee to start to play the role as a manager fast and with no problems on the way. The success as an ordinary employee and success of a manager are totally two different things. And MSMEs need more of patience and investment in human resources.
You may find below some hints on how to raise a potentially successful manager from the inside the business:
To be continued.