Kosovo Chamber of Commerce announces that it is now licensed by the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare to organize trainings in the field of Safety and Health at Work.
These trainings consist of a total of three modules that represent three levels of competence in the field of safety and health at work. The trainings aim to provide knowledge on the field of safety at work, on the risks and their management in the workplace. Below you will find the types of trainings as well as the application links:
Training I: “Basic specialist of Safety and Health at Work” (apply here)
The training contains 60 hours (40 hours of theory + 20 hours of practice) and costs 150 € (10% discount for KCC members).
Training II: “Advanced specialist of Safety and Health at work” (apply here)
The training contains 20 hours (10 hours of theory + 10 hours of practice) and costs € 50 (10% discount for KCC members). To attend this training, the successful completion of the previous level “Basic Occupational Safety and Health Specialist” is required.
Training III: “Expert of Safety and Health at work” (apply here)
The training contains 150 hours (120 hours of theory + 30 hours of practice) and costs 450 € (10% discount for KCC members).
Work health and safety trainings are very important and beneficial for companies. Among other things, these trainings help to create a safer, more productive work environment, and in the long run reduce company costs. Referring to costs, work health and safety training is an effective tool for reducing accidents and reducing costs in litigation or reimbursement.